Vision-Passion-Advocacy-Action (VPAA): Preserving a Clean, Safe & Prosperous Community
These are the committees defined within The Pine Hills Community Council. Standing Committees within the Pine Hills Community Council are groups that help monitor progress, make plans, and report to the main body on their subject areas. Standing committees often cover finance, marketing, communications, budgets, and more. Special Ad Hoc Committees are only needed for part of the year or specific events. These committees cover annual fundraisers, galas, volunteer gatherings or events, and other one-time or yearly programs; a board committee may be assembled for each.
Click on the committee name for additional information about the committee. If you are interested in joining any committee(s), please complete the registration form below.
Our goal: Provide accurate, timely information to the PHCC members, community, public, and the media.
Meetings: Fourth Thursdays at 2:00 pm, Virtual
The mission of the Beautification Committee is to engage with community volunteers to encourage and promote participation in activities focused on enhancing the beauty of the Pine Hills Community.
Meetings: Fourth Wednesday at 6:00 pm, Virtual
The Business & Economic Development Committee will advocate on local and state issues to create a positive climate in the Pine Hills community.
Meetings: Fourth Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, Virtual
Enhance the educational experience by linking academics, business, and community to promote real-world learning, support partnerships, and encourage and celebrate educational excellence in our schools.
Meetings: Third Tuesday at 10:00 AM, Virtual
The mission of this committee is to focus on growth and retention; maintain the membership database.
We advocate at the county, state, and national levels to assure the continued vitality of Pine Hills, a family-friendly place to live, work, and play.
We invite you to explore this section of the website and see some of the fantastic PHCC accomplishments.
Pine Hills Community Council Yard of the Month has been established to promote goodwill and reward exemplary lawn care in the community.