Vision-Passion-Advocacy-Action (VPAA): Preserving a Clean, Safe & Prosperous Community
About the Pine Hills Community Council
Vision-Passion-Advocacy-Action (VPAA)
Preserving a Clean, Safe & Prosperous Community
In pursuit of its objectives, the council assumes the responsibility of acting as a coordinating agency and serves as an advocate for its community membership in civic, social, economic, cultural, political, and citizenship needs and matters.
The Pine Hills Community Council is organized to enhance the overall community pride, living standards, health, and well-being, and economic growth for those persons living or working in this community.
How We Started:
In 1972, the Pine Hills Women’s Club, while trying to solve a problem with the Orange County Sewer System, came across the idea of forming a Community Council. To do this, the PHCCs acts as a nonprofit, nonpartisan political membership organization; since 1972, the Council has brought together businesses, individuals, and delegates from community organizations to focus their combined efforts toward improving the life values in the Pine Hills community. After years of dedication from its members, the Council enjoys the support of the community and the respect of our County, State, and Federal Government.
What We Do:
We are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit civic organization. We invest our efforts directly in our community and also promote its interests at the county, state, and national levels to assure the continued vitality of a unique, family-friendly, safe place to live, work, and play.
Who We Are:
We are your neighbors. We are healthcare workers; law enforcement officers, trade persons; teachers, and construction workers. We are in every imaginable occupation and of multiple origins – native-born and immigrant. We are the most diverse community in Orange County, Fl.
We are dedicated volunteers who take pride in our community and devote our time and talents to improving the quality of life for all Pine Hills and Orange County residents!
History of Pine Hills
The Pine Hills community, located just outside of Orlando, Florida, is one of Orange County’s oldest and largest neighborhoods. It was originally developed in the 1950s as a suburb for workers of the Martin Marietta Corporation. The Pine Hills Community began in 1953 with the construction of Robinswood and Pine Ridge Estates subdivisions. In the 1980s and 1990s, newer housing developments were built in the county, attracting residents right away. With its proximity to Interstate 4 and Highway 408, there are many small industrial businesses in this section of town. The industrial sector located along east Silver Star Road in Orlando’s city limit includes Frito-Lay and Coca-Cola manufacturing and distribution facilities. This sector of Orange County has some of the highest-rated warehouse properties. Due to its central location, Pine Hills is close to Orlando’s business and tourism centers. Many residents commute to downtown Orlando, less than 5 miles (8.0 km) east, to the northern suburb of Maitland, or the International Drive, Universal Orlando Resort, and Walt Disney World Resort tourist districts. There is good public transportation by way of the local transit authority, Lynx. Also, the Greyhound bus station is conveniently nearby.