Pine Hills Community Council provides a link to Pine Hills’ diverse residential and business community in the Midtown Orlando area. It’s an excellent platform for organizations/corporations/churches to reach a diverse market. Pine Hills is one of the largest suburbs in Greater Orlando, consisting of over 75,000 residents and growing. Becoming a PHCC sponsor allows you to tap into the Pine Hills flourishing community.
Networking opportunities
Logo recognition on the website
Facebook recognition
Annual speaking opportunity at Council community meeting
Recognition at Council community monthly meetings
Networking opportunities
Logo recognition on website
Facebook recognition
Annual speaking opportunity at Council community meeting
Recognition at Council community monthly meetings
Council newsletters advertisement opportunity
Logo recognition in all print material
Logo on Council banner
Sponsor website page
Networking opportunities
Logo recognition on the website
Facebook recognition
Annual speaking opportunity at Council community meeting
Recognition at Council community monthly meetings
Council newsletters advertisement opportunity
Logo recognition in all print material
Logo on Council banner
Sponsor website page
Prominent logo w/link on Council website
Promotions for your company/business through our social media outlets, as requested
In-Kind Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
If you would like to donate or lend services, products, or food for any PHCC event, we would be delighted to accommodate you as an in–kind sponsor. The service, product, or food value will be honored in the appropriate sponsorship levels outlined above.
Additional Payment Options:
Make Checks Payable to the “Pine Hills Community Council, Inc.”
P.O. Box 585733, Orlando, FL 32858