Hob Nob 2024 Candidate Information

Vision-Passion-Advocacy-Action (VPAA): Preserving a Clean, Safe & Prosperous Community

Candidates Website Information

Candidates are listed in order of appearance on the Hob Nob Ballet from 07/18/2024*

  1. Stanley Campbell, U.S. Senate: www.stanleyforflorida.com

  2. Tuan Le, U.S. Congress, District 10: www.tuanleforcongress.com

  3. Wade Darius, U.S. Congress, District 10: www.wadedarius2024.com

  4. Maxwell Alejandro Frost, U.S. Congress, District 10: www.frostforcongress.com

  5. Monique Worrell, State Attorney, 9th Judicial Circuit: www.moniqueforstateattorney.com

  6. Andrew Bain, State Attorney, 9th Judicial Circuit: www.votebain.com

  7. Melissa Vickers, Public Defender, 9th Judicial Circuit: www.vickers4pd.com

  8. Randolph Bracy, State Senate, District 15: www.randolphbracy.com

  9. Geraldine Thompson, State Senate, District 15: www.electgeraldine.com

  10. Belinda Ford, State Representative, District 40: www.votebebeford.com

  11. LaVon Bracy Davis, State Representative, District 40: www.lavonbracydavis.com

12. Anna V. Eskamani, State Representative, District 42: www.annaforflorida.com

13. Scott Randolph, Orange County Tax Collector: www.electscottrandolph.com

14. Karen Castor Dentel, Orange County Supervisor of Elections: www.karen4supervisor.com

15. Wes Hodge, Orange County Supervisor of Elections: www.weshodgeoc.com

16. Joy Goodyear, Circuit Judge, 9th Judicial, Group 5: www.goodyear2024.com

17. Lashawnda Jackson, Circuit Judge, 9th Judicial, Group 5: www.jacksonforjudge.com

18. Alicia L. Peyton, Circuit Judge, 9th Judicial, Group 15: www.peyton4judge.vote

19. Tanya Davis Wilson, Circuit Judge, 9th Judicial, Group 37: www.reelectjudgewilson.org

20. Stephen Brown, Circuit Judge, 9th Judicial, Group 43: www.stephenbrownforjudge.com

21. Craig McCarthy, Circuit Judge, 9th Judicial, Group 43: www.keepjudgemccarthy.com

22. Lisa Gong Guerrero, County Judge, Group 11: www.electlisaforjudge.com

23. Adam McGinnis, County Judge, Group 11: www.reelectmcginnis.com

24. Jeni Grieger, Orange County School Board, District 6: www.voteforjeni.com

25. Stephanie Vanos, Orange County School Board, District 6: www.votevanos.org